Hello! We are the Chevalliers and this is our story. Well a condensed version of it for the sake of time. 😉

Jérémy and I met when we were just teens working at our local neighborhood grocery store. I am a year older than him so we only worked together for about 6months before I was leaving for college. Ironically we both don't have a ton of memories of us working together but it was enough to create a little spark of curiosity about each other and due to the magical powers of Facebook, we were able to become friends and start our digital journey together.
Over the next three years, I moved to Flagstaff to go to NAU and we watched one anothers lives unfold on Facebook. During my freshman year, Jérémy came to visit me at my dorm because he was looking at his college options. I got to show him around the Flagstaff campus but he ultimately decided that ASU was better for him and we both joke about having gone to school rivalries in both high school and college. But it was for the best! It gave us time to grow up into our college selves.
After many facebook conversations, check ins, follow ups and everything in between, finally in December 2012 we decided it was time for us to hang out in person and what better time to do that then on my winter break from school?!
To this day I still think it is hilarious how nervous I was to hang out with him. I remember getting ready and right before I left I was chatting with my dad about how this wasn't a date or anything but a casual meet up with a friend who had a similar major to me. I even justified my outfit. I wore a grey sweater and a mini skirt but dressed it down with some beaten up Van shoes. Just dressy enough but not a date outfit!
It was a date.
Just a month after our "not date" first date, I was turning 21 and invited him to the party my sister and I were having. Because he wasn't 21 yet, he just came out for the dinner portion of it. He showed up late and ended up sitting across the table from me and we smiled like two kids in love, locking eyes before nervously looking away for the entire part of it. Our friends still talk about how he smiled at me that night and how I literally couldn't not smile when I looked at him. Such goofy young-ins falling in love before we even knew it. When I left to go experience being 21 for the first time, he walked me to my friends car and sealed the evening with a kiss. It was something out of a romcom when I got back into that car. They were all asking if we kissed and when I said yes they erupted in laughter and cheers and my cheeks were burning from smiling so much.
This is where I will speed up our story. After that night, we officially started dating and became boyfriend and girlfriend a couple months later. We went long distance for a year and a half and then we made the jump to move in with one another after I graduated NAU and moved back to the phoenix valley. From there we did what normal young couples do! We got to know one another more, we broke up and got back together 24hrs later, we laughed, we cried, we fought, we made up, we grew up, we expanded our family by adopting two kittens, we moved into another apartment, we bought our first home, townhome I should say and we went through hard and difficult times, but most importantly we learned how to be there for one another through it all.
On our 6th year anniversary, Jérémy popped the question and you best believe I said yes and then fast forward through all the wedding planning stress and a day shy of our 7 year anniversary (2.22.20) we tied the knot and said "I do".
And now we are here!
For the past year or so we have been feeling the urge to find what's next.
Your home is the cozy, cute house that we have been dreaming about. As soon as we opened the door and walked in I could picture our lives there. I can see our friends and family coming to visit and having long conversations outside on the lawn, putting up a Christmas tree that twinkles, hosting Thanksgiving dinner, baking cookies and all sorts of delicious treats, and most importantly I can see us starting our own family there. We are hoping to start trying next year and bringing our baby into that home feels complete. I can hear their little feet stomping around as they grow up and their giggles drifting in from playing outside. I can see us playing with chalk on the big driveway and teaching them to ride bikes around the cul de sac.
We can't wait to experience this new chapter in our lives. 💕